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My adopted PPG's.

These pictures are my adopted puffs.
Some look like Puffs and other don't.
If you go to my pictures#3 you will
get some more adopted Puffs.
-Party Power Buttercup

This is one of my favorite pictures!! It's a happy picture with Buttercup with bows smiling!!!
This is a cool picture. It is Blossom with no bow and brown hair. I know a little wierd!
This is a cool picture to. It's Bubbles when she's mad. No way!! Bubbles mad?
This is.. Ow.. I don't have a name.. If you think you can give my a nice name for her please email me!!!
Buttercup again?
Well it's Buttercup whereing a bow again. But this time she's red. Cool huh?
Blossom again?
This is a picture of Blossom but she's not whereing a bow she's not whereing a bow!!! I'm depreased know.... Owwww.
Same with this one I need a name. Please email me and give me a name!