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This page tells a little bit about Buttercup and her attitude. Theres not many pictures so if you want my pictures go to my pictures or my adopted Puffs.
-Party Power Buttercup

  Buttercup is the taughtest girl in town. She kicks first and asks ?s second. Just telling you what ever you say to Buttercup don't say she throws crocked!!!! She has a or should I say had a soft spot for Ace on the GangGreenGang. She did think Elmer was a nerd but now she thinks he's preety cool. For a boy!!! She may be as rude as she could to her sisters but no matter what she loves them!!! But she also loves hitting her sister Bubbles with Octi some times but lets not mess up sisterley love okay? Buttercup thinks the Profesor is cool. Just not in the episode oh oh dinamo!!

Sing Buttercup! Sing!!!
  Look Buttercup is a baby. No Buttercup I didn't mean a baby baby ahhhhhhhh help shes-........

Gouchi gouchi gou!!!!!!
  Buttercup tied me into nots so its kind of hard to type. Well you better believe she is a taugh girl. If you don't then email me and I'll tell you something.. Well anyway Buttercup is usally annoyed or mad but some of the time mostly after they saved the day she's happy. Even the know Blossom and Bubbles think Buttercup has a bad attitude I think she has a perfect attitude in every way!!!

Email me!!!